Sunday, July 25, 2010

We call it mellow yellow.

I thought I planted two cucumber plants in May. Now, I'm wondering if I planted three. To date, we've picked a Japanese variety, and several traditional cukes, and all have been shades of green. The other day, Tony spotted this monster cucumber, and, in addition to it's size, it's yellow.

I agreed to a taste test without me (difficult, believe me) and here's Tony's report: "It tastes like a regular cucumber."

Tony snapped these photos, and I love his comparison shot with the other veggies.


  1. I love Tony's review. Simple, to the point. And that is a monster yellow cucumber!

  2. So glad to know Tony is taking care of the garden. I thought you might have to give up on it being out of town so long. I saw Tony at the Farmer's Market and he told me Anna Rose was with you at your mother's; glad to hear that; hope you're having some fun. Garden looks good; kudos to Tony and I'm sure you're good oversight!

  3. Is the squash from your garden too?
